169 Towns #10: Woodbridge

September 21st, 2015 · No Comments


We hadn’t yet moved to Woodbridge in time for the 2013 Bagel Run, and I was out of town or out of commission for the 2014 edition, so I was more than ready to check off this easiest of towns this time around. It was a low-stakes way to try my first back-to-back races on consecutive days, though I have a long way to go to match some of the two-a-day or three-a-day feats of fellow 169ers.

The day began with a great obstacle course that Aimee and I helped the girls through – though next year, I’m sure they won’t need any help, as they were pretty fearless their first time through. The 5K started not long after, and the course went from the back parking lot at the JCC, which I’d never visited before, through some neighborhood streets. It was a pretty simple course, out and back with some gradual hills in between. I tagged a long with a guy who definitely had more in the tank than I did, which helped at least keep me in the thick of things before I inevitably petered out a little at the end. I missed out on a top three finish in my age group, but managed to take a little time off the time from the race the day before, and continued my post-injury recovery.

Murray Lender 5K Bagel Race | 5K | 9/20/15 | 23:16 | 10/169

Tags: New Haven · Running