Tenth anniversary

November 8th, 2013 · No Comments

It’s hard to believe I’ve been blogging for ten years here now, off and on. The first entry would hardly warrant a tweet these days, and I’ve certainly slacked off in the last few years with the arrival of the kids, for various reasons, but I’ve had a few good stretches over the years, and the blog has become invaluable as a tool to help us remember just about anything that has happened since late 2003. If I didn’t blog about it, well, maybe it wasn’t that important.

I’ll keep on posting, I suppose, though in today’s landscape, it does seem like a bit of an antiquated setup. I’m no stranger to those, though, so I’ll keep it up.

Update, December 13: Well, well… Jason Kottke, one of the bloggers I’ve been reading longer than I’ve been one myself, has declared the blog dead, on his blog, of course. And he’s probably right.

Tags: Blog · Noted