169 Towns #84: Branford

November 24th, 2018 · No Comments

#84 Branford: Rotary and YMCA 5K

This was a really massive race. Only the first…850 registered runners got the tech tee, while the rest got a cotton shirt, if that’s an indication of the scale. Inside the middle school where registration took place, sponsors had their tables set up, and hundreds of runners were stretching and socializing, to avoid the deep chill outside. The race was really well organized, and managed the one thing that almost no other race seems capable of: a race official who was well-miked and amplified, so everyone could hear what he was saying. It’s the little things… I managed third in my age group, which felt pretty good for a race of this scale. One of the last of the very local races to check off the list.

Rotary and YMCA 5K | 5K | 11/22/18 | 23:56 | 84/169

Tags: New Haven · Running