50 States: Wyoming (39)

June 15th, 2008 · No Comments

50 States: Wyoming

We visited Cheyenne, Wyoming a number of times during trips to northern Colorado as a kid. In my mind, the visits consisted of looking at giant steam engines and buying plaid cowboy shirts, though we probably did other things, as well. During our 2005 trip from Seattle to Rochester, Aimee and I stopped in Wheatland to visit my cousin and her family. Here, her husband and daughter hold a few of the many impossibly cute puppies that had been born just a few days before. That was a nice visit.

We spent a few days in Wyoming during that trip, admiring the Grand Tetons, watching a bison cross the road, eating a milkshake at Yellowstone Drugstore in Shoshoni, stopping by Hell’s Half Acre – and of course, nothing says ‘road trip’ like a giant jackalope with a seat on it.

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