Reservation for 4, Freeman?

June 3rd, 2005 · No Comments

The Photobooth Convention was a success, and we’re still taking care of the press and public inquiries and contributions that have come about because of the event. It’s been a pretty busy week at work, but the countdown has begun: five more weeks of work before the wedding, and one more after, which means not a whole lot of time when you put it all together. I’d better check out all the books and visit all the museums I can before I have to give back all of my privileges.

We met Tim and Mari for a much-appreciated evening of chatting about Rochester and catching up on life in general tonight at the B-Side Lounge in Cambridge, the kind of place that, once you’re there, makes you realize you never go often enough. I had a Boddington’s (or two) and the B-Side mac & cheese, which is pretty much a perfect meal in my book. We had a great time talking about wedding stuff, Rochester ideas, and reminiscing about life in Cambridge. Aimee and I had planned on a two-brewery-tour day tomorrow (Harpoon and Sam Adams) but we’ll probably do just Sam’s, as we don’t feel the need to get involved in the Harpoon Fest. Other than that, we don’t have too much planned. Mom and Dad are in town next weekend, and it’s all booked from there on out. Time to enjoy the nothing while it lasts.

Tags: Cambridge