
June 9th, 2006 · No Comments

It’s been awhile, once again, but it’s been a busy while. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of job applications, interviews, and somewhat agonizing decisions. The net result of all of the phone calls, emails, pro/con lists, and heartfelt conversations with family and friends is that next month, we’re moving to Los Angeles. One of our least likely destinations, I’d have said, a few years or even months ago, but we’ve always known that’s where the jobs are, and after visiting in April and beginning to see the reality over the stereotype, it didn’t seem so bad, after all. When a job opportunity popped up and I got in the running, then it became just another choice to make, and in the end, I’m really happy with the choice, and Aimee and I are excited about the move.

This year has, so far, gone pretty much as I’d hoped – even better than I could have imagined, actually. A week ago, we had no idea where we’d be in a month and a half; this morning, I was on the phone with movers trying to calculate how much it would cost to move our entire lives the 2600 miles from Rochester to Los Angeles. It’s meant a lot of running around and lots of unanswerable questions, but it also means buying fun guidebooks and browsing through wonderful 1920s cottages in cute neighborhoods (and out of our price range…) on Craigslist.

I’m excited for all the possibilities, the museums and concerts and screenings and events, the whole new horizon of travel opportunities, of life on the West coast, though I realize Southern California is a far cry from the Pacific Northwest – it’s just exciting to think of living in a big city, of all that it offers, at this time in our lives. I think it’s going to be great, and it’s going to be a busy summer. As our plans stand now, we’ve got not one, but two road trips in the offing, the southern route and the northern, which should be a lot of fun, as well. And maybe this time next year, if all goes well, we won’t be moving anywhere at all.

Tags: Los Angeles · Rochester