169 Towns #100: Middletown

May 21st, 2022 · No Comments

#100 Middletown: MXCC Grad Dash

Seizing the momentum from last weekend, Grace and I headed out again, this time to Middletown for the Grad Dash at the community college. Grace did great, persisting despite a cramp, and came in under 30 minutes for the first time in awhile. Though she insisted on noting that it was because she was the only one in her age group in the race, she won the first place trophy, which was very exciting. I was happy to have knocked off my 100th race. It only took eight years after my first Connecticut race, and six years after officially joining the group.

MXCC Grad Dash | 5K | 5/21/22 | 29:15 | 100/169

Tags: Running