169 Towns #91: Rocky Hill

May 22nd, 2021 · No Comments

#91 Rocky Hill: 5K for Education

I’m not sure when road races started happening again, but at a certain point, after getting vaccinated and as other things began to return to normal, I checked in on the old reliable CT race calendar, and returned to the old familiar practice of checking upcoming races with the list of towns I’ve yet to run in, adding potential opportunities to the calendar. It’s been so long since we’ve really had anything on the calendar, but that’s starting to change.

This race, my first in more than a year, was in Rocky Hill, not too far away up 15 and 91, and was a good opportunity to ease back into things. My running during the pandemic has been…not non-existent, but perhaps not as consistent as it could have been in a world with many other obligations removed. Not having races as a reason to train has maybe had something to do with it, but either way, I’ve been running, but not much, and without many goals in mind. I was a little slower than my last 5K in 2020, but it felt good to get back to racing.

5K for Education | 5K | 5/22/21 | 24:24 | 91/169

Tags: Running