Goodbye 2004

January 2nd, 2005 · No Comments

After a long couple of flights from Anchorage and Seattle (though short by this trip’s standards), we arrived in town with enough time for a quick nap before heading to the Mari, Jess, and Emily party in Somerville near the spooky round house.

The party was a lot of fun, but we didn’t quite have the energy to make it an epic affair. Or maybe we’re just getting old. Anyway, it was great to see everyone, and we enjoyed some Champagne, some Champagne of Beers, and some dancing to Tim and Mari’s iPod playlists (which definitely beat out that mix cd some fool guest put on).

The past year has been a pretty amazing one, with getting engaged on the top of the list of great things that happened. Then there was the marathon, visiting Alaska four times, a trip to Iceland, seeing some of my favorite bands, and generally enjoying myself and the company of those around me. That said, 2004 will also go down associated with crushing, depressing defeat and increased cynicism about our government and our place in the world. The country is a big enough place that I can go about my day without being made aware of the president, but it shouldn’t have to be that way. I prefer to roll my mouse over these images and watch the kids go from “gangsta hard” to “new year’s happy,” like magic.

Tags: Cambridge · Running