Game over

February 17th, 2004 · No Comments

I’m sad to report a premature and disappointing conclusion to “The Affair of the Road Trip Website” (a.k.a., “The Case of the ‘East Coast Snob'”), as reported in this entry. I received a reply to my response today, and it was brief and lackluster:


Well sorry, I just wanted to banter with someone who seemed like they could give it back to me 10x worse. And from the sounds of your e-mail response, you had fun doing it, too. So there!

(name withheld)

Wait a minute. I’ve got even more questions now. Does that mean that from my website, this person figured I would be someone who could “give it back…10x worse”? Did this person surf around looking for the website of someone who might be capable of such feats of literary devastation? Was the author sent by the Fun Police to give me a task that would bring me fun? What leads one to send an insult-ridden email to a stranger, and then, when given a rebuttal, reply as though they’d just been proven right? Maybe this attitude is a cover-up for the fact that the author has no response because all of the points, from the slightly plausible to the totally dubious to the incomprehensible, were refuted in my response. Who knows. I’m a little sad there wasn’t any meat in the reply left to respond to.

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