
January 28th, 2004 · No Comments

Well, the dust begins to clear. We had our meeting, our “opportunity” to find out what was going on, and while the explanations were vague and mostly unsatisfying, no one else seems to be in danger of losing his or her job, so we can be thankful for that. Who knows what it will really mean to be a part of a new department, especially when we’ll remain essentially unwanted tenants in the building of the previous department, but I think we’ll be alright. Someone to replace our curator would be nice, but it’ll be awhile, I guess.

In other news, it’s snowing again. I forgot my ID and couldn’t go to the gym today. My dad is having shoulder surgery this morning and won’t be able to drive his two week-old car (or any other car, for that matter) for six weeks. So life goes on, and there’s plenty more to think about.

Tags: Cambridge