Like Quebec, only farther away

January 4th, 2004 · No Comments

So we didn’t end up going to Quebec, after all. Since October, I had planned a double-switch surprise for Aimee, which worked out brilliantly, if I do say so myself. I told her the day I got back from Colorado that we’d be driving to Quebec the next day, and I showed her a printout from the hotel where I’d supposedly made a reservation. The next morning, we got packed and were ready to go when I told her we’d need a cab, because we were actually flying to Quebec, instead.

Once we got to the airport, I managed to have us get out at Terminal E (“Special Instructions!”), and handed Aimee our itinerary to have her make sure we were in the right place. And Bingo!, it was a Virgin Atlantic itinerary, and we were off to London. And to follow on that good karma, the VA counter person upgraded us to Premium Economy, so we were greeted with Champagne and had nice, big tv screens to watch our in-flight entertainment. Nice!

We landed in London on the morning of New Year’s Eve, in time to ring in the year in Marble Arch. The trip was really terrific, a perfect length of time to see the sights, hit a museum or two, take in a show, and still have time to shop a little.

We saw Andy at O’Neill’s with his friend Richard for a round before heading off to see Brent from Anchorage to ring in the new year at the Navy bachelor pad with the singing bass in the bathroom.

A few pictures to start off:


Things started off quite nicely with an upgrade to Premium Economy, below Upper Class but above Lower Class – sorry, Economy.


New Year’s with Brent and Teri.


It’s tough to capture the feeling of The Weather Project, but this is a start.


A group of Minis as part of the strange, America-filled parade.


Walking through Canary Wharf.


An exhibition of Ive-designed Macs at the Design Museum.

More to come.

Tags: Travel · U.K.